Portrait de Monsieur Jean Journet by Gustave Courbet 1850

Portrait de Monsieur Jean Journet by Gustave Courbet 1850



Portrait de Monsieur Jean Fournet or L'Apôtre Jean Journet partant pour la conquête de l'harmonie universelle : this oil on canvas has been also translated into a lithographic print by Courbet in 1850.
Salon de Paris (1850-1851).
In 1885, this painting was exhibited at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, the private collector was "MMR" [Jean-Paul Mazaroz-Ribalier]. Sold in 1890 (Paris), to a new collector, Gabrielle Esnault-Pelterie.
In 1946, Hildebrand Gurlitt, who said he has bought it during the German Occupation in France, said this painting was destroyed during the Dresden Blast.

This is a reproduction of a photograph found in 2014 in Gurlitt's home in Salzburg : this painting therefore still exists and is unlocated.

Gustave Courbet (1819–1877) was a controversial French painter, who bridged the gap between Romanticism and the Impressionist school of painters. He was controversial not only because he addressed social issues with his work, such as peasants and the working condition of the poor, and the rural bourgeoisie, but also because of the unsentimental way in which he portrayed them. Unlike the Romantic school of painters, Courbet did not use smooth lines and soft forms





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