Brehm's Life of animals (Page 307) (6220167319)


Brehm's Life of animals (Page 307) (6220167319)



THE SKULL CAPS OR LOPHIOMYS. One of the strangest Rodents ever captured was taken in 1865 to the Jardin d'Acclimation in Paris. The
long mane along the middle of the back and the tail was found to be erectile like a boar's, and the Greek name " Lophiomys," signifying " a mouse with hoar's
bristles, " was given it. and a separate family (Lophiomyida ) was created for it It is. however, closely allied to the Mouse family. The muzzle of the rather
small head is brown and adorned with long whisker hairs, and the general colo
forehead. The inner toe of each hind foot is opposable, like i
uses in climbing. After the first specimen was taken to Pari
( Lopkiomys im/tausii.)
of the animal is a dark gray, but there are white stripes on the sides and on the
lb. and the paw is thus converted into a prehensile hand, which the animal freely
other was seen in Europe until 1S03, when one was secured by the Museum at Stuttgart.






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brehms life of animals