Chelsea DiAntonio, -ScienceWoman (16670213356)


Chelsea DiAntonio, -ScienceWoman (16670213356)



March is Women’s History month, and we want to highlight some of the amazing women here at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on our social media sites.

Chelsea DiAntonio

Wildlife Biologist

Duty station:
Potomac River National Wildlife Refuge Complex - Woodbridge, VA

Where did you go to school? Paul Smith’s College of the Adirondacks, Paul Smiths, NY

What did you study?
Fisheries and Wildlife Science; Wildlife Concentration

What’s your favorite thing about working for the Service?
My favorite part about working for FWS is the fact that I will never stop learning. You meet great people, both inside and outside of FWS, who all have unique skill sets that you can tap in to. There’s nothing more rewarding than putting your knowledge to work and seeing a positive outcome, especially in the name of wildlife conservation!

What’s your favorite species and why?
My favorite species is the black-capped chickadee, hands-down. I’ve always loved them for their tiny stature yet big attitude and insatiable curiosity when they find you hiking through the woods. I was even more amazed to see these tiny birds survive the Adirondack winters where I went to college. Look up black-capped chickadee winter survival and you’ll see why!

Check out her blog post at





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female biologists from the united states
female biologists from the united states