Conversion. Food machinery plant. In the background is a cube steak machine, normal product of a New England plant now doing work on various war subcontracts. In the foreground are twenty-four items typical of those this plant has been doing to turn out for the war effort after certain retooling and conversion work had been done on its machinery. These changes are necessarily simple, for this company is still filling army and navy orders for the cube steak machine. Including among the twenty-four items are aluminum crankcases, steel spouts for anti-tank guns, bronze flanges, nuts and various screw machine parts. Cube Steak Machines Company, Boston, Massachusetts


Conversion. Food machinery plant. In the background is a cube steak machine, normal product of a New England plant now doing work on various war subcontracts. In the foreground are twenty-four items typical of those this plant has been doing to turn out for the war effort after certain retooling and conversion work had been done on its machinery. These changes are necessarily simple, for this company is still filling army and navy orders for the cube steak machine. Including among the twenty-four items are aluminum crankcases, steel spouts for anti-tank guns, bronze flanges, nuts and various screw machine parts. Cube Steak Machines Company, Boston, Massachusetts

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