Letters on the Colonization Society; and on its probable results, under the following heads: the origin of the Society; increase of the coloured population; manumission of slaves in this country; declarations of legislatures, and other assembled bodies, in favour of the society; situation of the colonists at Monrovia, and other towns; moral and religious character of the settlers; soil, climate, productions, and commerce of Liberia; advantages to the free coloured population, by emigration to Liberia; disadvantages of slavery to the white population; character of the natives of Africa before the irruptions of the barbarians; effects of colonization on the slave trade, with a slight sketch of that nefarious and accursed traffic. Addressed to the Hon. C. F. Mercer, M.H.R.U.S

Letters on the Colonization Society; and on its probable results, under the following heads: the origin of the Society; increase of the coloured population; manumission of slaves in this country; declarations of legislatures, and other assembled bodies, in favour of the society; situation of the colonists at Monrovia, and other towns; moral and religious character of the settlers; soil, climate, productions, and commerce of Liberia; advantages to the free coloured population, by emigration to Liberia; disadvantages of slavery to the white population; character of the natives of Africa before the irruptions of the barbarians; effects of colonization on the slave trade, with a slight sketch of that nefarious and accursed traffic. Addressed to the Hon. C. F. Mercer, M.H.R.U.S

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american colonization society
american colonization society