Natalie Sexton, -herstory (25665735270)


Natalie Sexton, -herstory (25665735270)



Name: Natalie Sexton

Title: Human Dimensions Branch Chief

Duty station: Natural Resource Program Center, Fort Collins, CO

Amount of time worked in public service: 23 years

How much of this at USFWS? 7 years

Female Conservation Hero or Mentor? Why?

Dr. Joyce Berry, former Dean of the Warner College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University

Joyce made significant strides in the conservation field through the 70s and 80s in a male-dominated profession. Her influence on policy and bringing social science concepts to the forefront of wildlife and other natural resource challenges has been inspiring. She was also an instrumental mentor for me on my graduate committee, encouraging me to pursue my interests in a nontraditional path in wildlife biology.

When you began your career, did you ever see yourself working for the USFWS?

YES! It was my first job in this profession.

The mission of the USFWS is “Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people” How do you contribute to this mission?

By expanding toolbox of our wildlife professionals with human dimensions tools, resources, and science. The integration of the social context with biological context is paramount to our conservation success.

It takes a special person to dedicate their lives to public service. Why did you choose this path?

My passion is helping others who are dedicated to a cause. As a public servant, I can help others in a much larger context that ultimately has an impact on our society. That is incredibly rewarding.

What is a special memory you have of working at the USFWS?

Coming back to USFWS three and a half years ago after working for USGS for 15 years was both exciting and familiar. I instantly felt reconnected to our mission and have never looked back. The enthusiasm and dedication of the people in our agency is motivating and inspiring.





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