Vijf portretten van zangers en acteurs: onbekende vrouw, Nancy Martel, Noblet, Bertall en Delorme


Vijf portretten van zangers en acteurs: onbekende vrouw, Nancy Martel, Noblet, Bertall en Delorme



Onderdeel van Album van een Franse amateur met foto's van Frankrijk, Algerije, Palmyra, de Wereldtentoonstelling van 1900 en van bekende Fransen.

The Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1900, also known as the Paris World Fair of 1900, was a world's fair that was held in Paris, France from April 15 to November 12, 1900. The fair was held to celebrate the achievements of the past century and to accelerate development into the next. The fair featured exhibits from around the world, including art, architecture, technology, and culture. The fair was held in the Champs de Mars and covered over 100 hectares (247 acres). The fair featured many notable exhibits, including the Eiffel Tower, which was built specifically for the fair and served as the entrance arch. It was a major showcase of the latest technological innovations, such as the first moving sidewalk, the first escalator and the first films by the Lumière brothers. It was visited by over 50 million people from around the world

Alphonse J. Liebert began his career as a photographer in the early 1850s, working primarily in the daguerreotype process. He quickly gained a reputation for his skill and artistry, and his work was exhibited at the Paris Universal Exposition of 1855. In the years that followed, Liebert continued to refine his craft and experiment with new photographic techniques. He was an early adopter of the wet plate collodion process, which allowed for more detailed and nuanced images than the daguerreotype. Liebert's portraits were particularly renowned for their sensitivity and emotional depth. He had a talent for capturing the unique personalities and inner lives of his subjects, whether they were wealthy aristocrats or humble workers. In addition to his portraiture work, Liebert also produced a significant body of landscape and architectural photography. He traveled extensively throughout France, documenting its stunning natural beauty and historic landmarks. Liebert continued to work as a photographer well into his old age, and he died in 1913 at the age of 86. Today, his photographs are highly prized by collectors and art enthusiasts around the world, and his legacy as one of France's greatest photographers remains secure.



1880 - 1900



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