Biblia Germanica. v.2 incunabula


Biblia Germanica. v.2 incunabula



Это, так называемая Девятая немецкая Библия, была напечатана в Нюрнберге в 1483 году Кобергером. Его также часто называют Библией Кобергера, она была выпущена в трех версиях: одна с 109 нераскрашенными резьбами по дереву, одна с раскрашенными вручную резьбами по дереву и одна "обманчивая" версия с более тщательно раскрашенными резьбами по дереву, первые крупные инициалы в каждом томе подсвечены, а сцена создания на пятом листе первого тома как раскрашена вручную, так и подсвечена. Деревянные блоки, использовавшиеся для печати иллюстраций в Библии Кобергера, были взяты непосредственно из Библии, напечатанной в Колонье Квентеллом в 1478 и 1479 годах. Коэзи из публичной библиотеки Бостона

Anton Koberger was a German printer and publisher who lived from about 1440/1445 to 1513. He was born in Nuremberg, Germany, and began his career as a printer in the late 1470s. Koberger is best known for his work on the Nuremberg Chronicle, a history of the world published in 1493. This book was one of the most important works of the early Renaissance and helped to spread knowledge and ideas throughout Europe. Koberger's printing press was one of the largest and most successful in Europe in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. He produced a wide range of books, including religious texts, scientific works and literature. Koberger was also involved in politics and was a member of the Nuremberg City Council. He was a prominent figure in the cultural and intellectual life of the city and was known for his support of artists and scholars. Today, Koberger is remembered as one of the most important figures in the history of printing and publishing. His work helped to shape the Renaissance and laid the foundations for modern book production.





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