Изображение Роберта Норфейского из BL Royal 14 E V, f. 476


Изображение Роберта Норфейского из BL Royal 14 E V, f. 476



Miniature of the imprisonment of Robert of Normandy, with a partial border, at the beginning of chapter 10 of book 9. Image taken from f. 476 of De casibus virorum illustrium in French translation (Des cas des ruynes des nobles hommes et femmes). Written in French.

The BL Royal Manuscript Collection, also known as the Royal Collection, consists of over 2,000 manuscripts that were once owned by the British monarchs, including English and later British kings and queens from the late 12th to the 19th centuries. These manuscripts are notable for their historical and artistic value.

The collection was initially stored in various royal libraries and palaces, such as the Tower of London and Westminster Palace. During the English Civil War in the 17th century and the subsequent Interregnum, many royal treasures, including manuscripts, were dispersed and sold. Some manuscripts were lost, destroyed, or ended up in private hands.

In 1757, King George II donated the Old Royal Library to the British Museum (which later became the British Library), where the manuscripts were integrated into the museum's collections. This marked the formal establishment of the Royal Manuscript Collection within the British Museum.

Джанни Боккаччо (1313-1375) - итальянский писатель и поэт, выдающийся гуманист эпохи Возрождения. Он писал в основном на итальянском языке, а также некоторые произведения на латыни, и особенно известен своим реалистичным диалогом, который отличался от диалога его современников. Боккаччо провел детство во Флоренции. Его отец не испытывал симпатии к литературным наклонностям Боккаччо и отправил его учиться бизнесу в офис Барди, которые были ростовщиками. В Феллесе Боккаччо стал консулом (или старшим офицером) Arte del Cambridge (Гильдии обменников и ростовщиков) и встречался с учеными придворными, друзьями и поклонниками Петрарка. Это было около 1340 года, когда Боккаччо вернулся во Флоренцию из-за банкротства Барди и принес в магазин литературные произведения, которые он уже закончил. После 10 лет и финансовых трудностей, в 1350 году он стал флорентийским послом и посетил Рим, Равенну, Авиньон и Рим. В этот период у него сложились прочные дружеские отношения с Франческо Петрархом. В 1358 году он завершил свою главную работу - "Декамерон". Во время чумы во Флоренции в 1348 году семь дам и трое мужчин уехали из города на загородную виллу и в течение десяти дней рассказали сто историй. Боккаччо отбирал сюжеты своих рассказов в основном из фо, перешедших в Италию из Франции, средневековых историй, имевших классическую форму. Влияние декабристов на европейскую литературу огромно. Из него вышли и Шекспир, и Шекспир.

Giovanni Boccaccio was an Italian writer and poet who was born in Florence in 1313. He is best known for his work "The Decameron", a collection of 100 stories told by a group of young people who have fled the city of Florence to escape the Black Death. The son of a wealthy merchant, Boccaccio was educated in law and business. However, he was more interested in literature and began writing poetry at a young age. He became friends with several prominent writers and artists of his time, including Petrarch and Dante Alighieri. "The Decameron is considered one of the greatest works of Italian literature and is often compared to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. It is a collection of stories ranging from bawdy tales of love and lust to moral fables and tales of wit and humour. Boccaccio's other works include "The Filocolo", a romance, and "The Elegy of Madonna Fiammetta", a story about a woman's love affair. He also wrote several biographies and essays on various subjects. Boccaccio died in Certaldo, Italy, in 1375. His legacy as a writer and poet has endured for centuries, and his influence can be seen in the works of many later writers, including Shakespeare.



1479 - 1480


British Library



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giovanni boccaccio translated by laurent de premierfait
Джованни Боккаччо в переводе Лорана де Премьерфе