Карта мира от BL Harley 3035, f. 175v


Карта мира от BL Harley 3035, f. 175v



Circular map of the world and text preceeded by heading and initial in red. Image taken from f. 175v of Etymologies (index Etymologiae) and 'De natura rerum' (ff. 47-63v), with letters between Isidore and Braulio (ff. 1-3v). Written in Latin.

The "BL Harley Manuscript" refers to a collection of medieval manuscripts held in the British Library in London. The Harley Manuscripts are part of the larger collection known as the Harley Collection, which was assembled by Robert Harley (1661–1724) and his son Edward Harley (1689–1741). Robert Harley was a prominent English statesman and bibliophile, and he began amassing a vast collection of books and manuscripts in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

The Harley Manuscripts are known for their diversity and include a wide range of texts, including historical chronicles, illuminated manuscripts, legal documents, literary works, and scientific treatises. The collection contains over 7,000 manuscripts, and it is considered one of the most important manuscript collections in the British Library.

The Harley Manuscripts are numbered with the prefix "Harley," followed by a specific manuscript number. Each manuscript in the collection has its own unique content and history, and they cover a broad spectrum of topics and time periods. Some of the manuscripts in the collection are beautifully illuminated, with intricate illustrations and decorations.

В средневековый период на европейских картах доминировали религиозные взгляды. Все карты, конечно, рисовались и подсвечивались вручную, что делало распространение карт крайне ограниченным. Средневековая география разделила мир на три схематические части: Азию, Европу и Африку. Азия была изображена на вершине как место рождения Христа и изначальное место Эдемского сада. Карта T-O (orbis terfelum, шар или круг земель; с буквой T внутри O), также известная как карта Исидорана, является типом карты раннего мира, которая представляет физический мир, впервые описанный ученым VII века Исидором из Севиля в его De Natura Rerum, а затем в его Etymologiae. В этом формате карты Иерусалим был изображен в центре, а восток был ориентирован к вершине карты. Дизайн имел большое религиозное значение, так как символизировал центральный христианский символ креста и ставил Иерусалим в центр мира. Кроме того, ОТ разделил континенты известного мира - Азию, Европу и Африку, а ОТ, замкнувший весь образ, представлял собой средневековое представление о мире, окруженном водой.

Greek and Roman World Maps Anaximander was an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician who lived in the 6th century BCE. He is credited with being the first Greek to create a map of the known world, which he did around 550 BCE. Anaximander's map was based on the idea that the Earth was a cylindrical shape, with the inhabited part located on the top. Hecataeus of Miletus was an ancient Greek historian and geographer who lived in the 6th century BCE. He is known for his work "Periegesis" ("Description of the World"), which is considered the first known Greek geography text. In this work, Hecataeus described the various regions of the known world and provided information on their peoples, customs, and natural resources. Posidonius, 1st century BCE, is known for his work on geography, he was a skilled geographer who traveled widely and gathered detailed information on the geography of the known world. He is credited with creating the first known map of the entire world, which he did around 100 BCE. Pomponius Mela, 1st century CE is known for his work "De Chorographia," which is a treatise on geography. "De Chorographia" was the first Latin geography text. Marinus of Tyre was an ancient Greek geographer and cartographer who lived in the 2nd century CE. He is known for his work on geography and for his contributions to the development of maps and mapmaking. According to ancient sources, Marinus created a map of the known world that was considered to be the most accurate and detailed of its time. Ptolemy, who lived in the 2nd century CE, is best known for his work "Geographia," which is a treatise on geography that includes a detailed description of the known world and a set of maps illustrating various regions. Ptolemy's maps are considered some of the most accurate and detailed of the ancient world, and they were widely used and influential in the centuries that followed. Ptolemy's maps are based on a coordinate system that he developed, which is still used in modern cartography. Medieval World Maps A T-O map is a type of medieval European map that represents the known world as a circle (the "O") divided into three parts by a "T" shape. The three parts of the "T" represent the three known continents: Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Mediterranean Sea is typically shown at the center of the map, with Europe to the northwest, Asia to the east, and Africa to the south. T-O maps were popular in the Middle Ages and were used to illustrate various texts, including geographical and religious texts. They were based on the idea that the world was divided into three parts, with Jerusalem at the center, and were often accompanied by illustrations of the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, and other biblical scenes. Ibn Hawqal, an Arab geographer and cartographer, 10th century CE, is known for his work "Book of Roads and Kingdoms," which is a detailed description of the known world and a set of maps illustrating various regions. The Ebstorf Mappa Mundi is a medieval map of the world that was created in the 13th century. It is a large, detailed map that depicts the known world as it was understood at the time. The map is named after the town of Ebstorf, where it was discovered in the 19th century. The Ebstorf Mappa Mundi is a circular map that is divided into four sections, with Jerusalem at the center. It depicts the various regions of the known world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa, and includes illustrations of various cities, mountains, rivers, and other geographical features. The map also includes illustrations of various biblical and historical events, including the Tower of Babel and the life of Jesus. The Hereford Mappa Mundi is a medieval map of the world that was created in the early 14th century. It is a large, detailed map that depicts the known world as it was understood at the time. The map is named after the city of Hereford, where it is housed in the cathedral library. The Hereford Mappa Mundi is a circular map that is divided into four sections, with Jerusalem at the center. It depicts the various regions of the known world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa, and includes illustrations of various cities, mountains, rivers, and other geographical features. The map also includes illustrations of various biblical and historical events, as well as mythical creatures and legends. Pietro Vesconte is known for his work on maps and atlases, and his most notable work is a world map that he created in 1321, which is considered to be one of the earliest known maps to use the term "ocean" to refer to the bodies of water surrounding the known world.





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