Фотография парашютистов незадолго до того, как они взлетели для первого штурма в день "Д"


Фотография парашютистов незадолго до того, как они взлетели для первого штурма в день "Д"



Оригинальная подпись: Увидимся в Берлине. Решительные лица десантников незадолго до того, как они взлетели для первого штурма "Дня Д". Десантник на переднем плане только что прочитал послание генерала Эйзенхауэра и решительно сжимает базуку. Обратите внимание на приказ Эйзенхауэра в руках десантника на переднем плане.

Черно-белые и цветные фотографии деятельности, объектов и персонала ВВС США и предшествующих агентств - Вторая мировая война и война в Корее

Высадка в Нормандии во вторник, 6 июня 1944 года, была вторжением союзников в Нормандию в рамках операции «Оверлорд» во время Второй мировой войны. Операция под кодовым названием «Нептун», которую часто называют «днем Д», была крупнейшим морским вторжением в истории. 160 000 солдат союзников высадились на 50-мильном участке сильно укрепленного побережья Франции, чтобы сражаться с нацистской Германией на пляжах Нормандии, Франция. Более 5000 кораблей и 13000 самолетов поддержали вторжение в день «Д», и к концу дня союзники закрепились в континентальной Европе. Более 9000 солдат союзников были убиты или ранены, но их жертвы позволили более 100000 солдат начать медленное и тяжелое вторжение в Европу, чтобы нанести поражение немецким войскам.

This is an attempt to see World War 2 through the eyes of people who lived or fought on the territories controlled by the Axis powers, originally the Rome–Berlin Axis. Axis' principal members in Europe were Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy, Hungary, and Spain. During World War II, Nazi Germany and Axis powers occupied or controlled a number of countries in Europe and beyond. At its zenith in 1942, the Axis presided over large parts of Europe, North Africa, and East Asia, either through occupation, annexation, or puppet states. The collection is made with an image recognition aid, so a small percentage of images may be wrongly attributed as European & 1939-1945. Here is a list of some of the countries that were occupied or allied with Nazi Germany during the war: Austria: Nazi Germany annexed Austria in 1938, after the Anschluss, which was the union of Austria and Germany. Czechoslovakia: Nazi Germany occupied the western and southern regions of Czechoslovakia in 1938, after the Munich Agreement. The rest of the country was occupied in 1939, after the invasion of Poland. Denmark: Nazi Germany occupied Denmark in 1940, after the invasion of Norway. France: Nazi Germany occupied France in 1940, after the fall of Paris. The French government set up a collaborationist regime in the unoccupied zone of Vichy. Greece: Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Greece in 1941, after the fall of Crete. Italy: Italy was an ally of Nazi Germany during World War II, but was also occupied by German forces after the fall of Mussolini in 1943. Netherlands: Nazi Germany occupied the Netherlands in 1940, after the invasion of Belgium. Norway: Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Norway in 1940. Poland: Nazi Germany invaded and occupied Poland in 1939, at the start of World War II. Belgium: Nazi Germany occupied Belgium in 1940, after the invasion of the Netherlands. Luxembourg: Nazi Germany occupied Luxembourg in 1940, after the invasion of Belgium. Ukraine: Nazi Germany occupied parts of Ukraine during World War II, after the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Belarus: Nazi Germany occupied Belarus during World War II, after the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Russia: Nazi Germany invaded and occupied parts of the Soviet Union during World War II, after the invasion in 1941. Yugoslavia: Nazi Germany occupied parts of Yugoslavia during World War II, after the invasion in 1941. Albania: Nazi Germany occupied Albania in 1943, after the fall of Mussolini. Hungary: Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany during World War II, but was also occupied by German forces after the fall of the Hungarian government in 1944. Romania: Romania was an ally of Nazi Germany during World War II, but was also occupied by German forces after the fall of the Romanian government in 1944. Bulgaria: Bulgaria was an ally of Nazi Germany during World War II, but was also occupied by German forces after the fall of the Bulgarian government in 1944. Finland: Finland was an ally of Nazi Germany during World War II, but was not occupied by German forces.

Large WWII photograph collection made with aid of image recognition.





The U.S. National Archives

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