Космический корабль STS-132 совершил посадку


The orbiter drag chute deploys after Atlantis touches down on Runway 33 of KSC’s Shuttle Landing Facility at the conclusion of the nine-day STS-84 mission. Main gear touchdown was at 9:27:44 EDT on May 24, 1997. The first landing opportunity was waved off because of low cloud cover. It was the 37th landing at KSC since the Shuttle program began in 1981, and the eighth consecutive landing at KSC. STS-84 was the sixth of nine planned dockings of the Space Shuttle with the Russian Space Station Mir. Atlantis was docked with the Mir for five days. STS-84 Mission Specialist C. Michael Foale replaced astronaut and Mir 23 crew member Jerry M. Linenger, who has been on the Russian space station since Jan. 15. Linenger returned to Earth on Atlantis with the rest of the STS-84 crew, Mission Commander Charles J. Precourt, Pilot Eileen Marie Collins, and Mission Specialists Carlos I. Noriega, Edward Tsang Lu, Elena V. Kondakova of the Russian Space Agency and JeanFrancois Clervoy of the European Space Agency. Foale is scheduled to remain on the Mir for approximately four months, until he is replaced by STS-86 crew member Wendy B. Lawrence in September. Besides the docking and crew exchange, STS-84 included the transfer of more than 7,300 pounds of water, logistics and science experiments and hardware to and from the Mir. Scientific experiments conducted during the STS-84 mission, and scheduled for Foale’s stay on the Mir, are in the fields of advanced technology, Earth sciences, fundamental biology, human life sciences, International Space Station risk mitigation, microgravity sciences and space sciences KSC-97PC842

The orbiter drag chute deploys after Atlantis touches down on Runway 33 of KSC’s Shuttle Landing Facility at the conclusion of the nine-day STS-84 mission. Main gear touchdown was at 9:27:44 EDT on May 24, 1997. The first landing opportunity was waved off because of low cloud cover. It was the 37th landing at KSC since the Shuttle program began in 1981, and the eighth consecutive landing at KSC. STS-84 was the sixth of nine planned dockings of the Space Shuttle with the Russian Space Station Mir. Atlantis was docked with the Mir for five days. STS-84 Mission Specialist C. Michael Foale replaced astronaut and Mir 23 crew member Jerry M. Linenger, who has been on the Russian space station since Jan. 15. Linenger returned to Earth on Atlantis with the rest of the STS-84 crew, Mission Commander Charles J. Precourt, Pilot Eileen Marie Collins, and Mission Specialists Carlos I. Noriega, Edward Tsang Lu, Elena V. Kondakova of the Russian Space Agency and JeanFrancois Clervoy of the European Space Agency. Foale is scheduled to remain on the Mir for approximately four months, until he is replaced by STS-86 crew member Wendy B. Lawrence in September. Besides the docking and crew exchange, STS-84 included the transfer of more than 7,300 pounds of water, logistics and science experiments and hardware to and from the Mir. Scientific experiments conducted during the STS-84 mission, and scheduled for Foale’s stay on the Mir, are in the fields of advanced technology, Earth sciences, fundamental biology, human life sciences, International Space Station risk mitigation, microgravity sciences and space sciences KSC-97PC842

Космический корабль STS-132 совершил посадку



STS132-S-084 (26 мая 2010 года) --- Космические шаттлы приближаются к посадке на 33-й взлетно-посадочной полосе в Космическом центре имени Кеннеди НАСА во Флориде. Посадка состоялась 26 мая 2010 года в 8: 48 по местному времени (EDT), завершив 12-дневную миссию STS-132 на Международную космическую станцию. Основная передача приземлилась в 8: 48: 11 утра, затем носовая передача приземлилась в 8: 48: 21 утра и колесная остановка в 8: 49: 18 утра На борту находятся астронавты НАСА Кен Хэм, командир; Тони Хонелли, пилот; Гарретт Рейсман, Майкл Гуд, Стив Бовен и Пирс Селлерс - все специалисты миссии. Экипаж STS-132 в составе шести человек доставил на орбитальный комплекс мини-исследовательский модуль 1 (MRM1) российского производства. STS-132 - это 34-й полет к станции, 132-й полет в целом и последний запланированный полет на Марс.

Программа "Спейс шаттл" представляла собой программу пилотируемых ракет-носителей правительства США с 1981 по 2011 год, управляемую НАСА и официально начавшуюся в 1972 году. Система "Спейс шаттл", состоящая из орбитального корабля, запускаемого с двумя многоразовыми твердотопливными ракетами-носителями и одноразовым внешним топливным баком, - доставил до восьми астронавтов и до 50 000 фунтов (23 000 кг) полезной нагрузки на низкую околоземную орбиту (НОО). Когда его миссия будет завершена, орбитальный аппарат снова войдет в атмосферу Земли и приземлится как планер. Хотя концепция была исследована с конца 1960-х годов, программа официально началась в 1972 году и была в центре внимания пилотируемых операций НАСА после последних полетов Apollo и Skylab в середине 1970-х годов. Все началось с запуска первого шаттла Columbia 12 апреля 1981 года на STS-1. и завершил свой последний полет, STS-135, которым управляла Атлантида, в июле 2011 года.

Space Shuttle Atlantis was a space shuttle that was operated by NASA as part of the Space Shuttle program. It was the fourth operational shuttle built, and the last one to be built before the program was retired in 2011. Atlantis was named after the first research vessel operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and it made its first flight in October 1985. Over the course of its career, Atlantis completed 33 missions and spent a total of 307 days in space. Its last mission was STS-135, which was the final mission of the Space Shuttle program. Atlantis is now on display at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex in Florida. Space Shuttle Atlantis (Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-104) was one of the four first operational orbiters in the Space Shuttle fleet of NASA, the space agency of the United States. (The other two are Discovery and Endeavour.) Atlantis was the fourth operational shuttle built. Atlantis is named after a two-masted sailing ship that operated from 1930 to 1966 for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Atlantis performed well in 25 years of service, flying 33 missions.



1960 - 1969







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