Protecting U.S. International aviation routings. This committee met in the State Department to recommend appropriate steps to protect and foster the development of American interests in the field of International aviation. The particular case in mind is the Pan-American route to the Orient. From the left, seated: Eugene Vidal, Director, Bureau of Air Commerce, Dpt. of Comm.; Stephen Gibbons, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; R. Branch, 2nd Postmaster General in charge of Air Mail; Richard Southgate, chief of the Protocol Division, State Department; Juan T. Trippe, President of Pan-American and Witness before the group. Back row-William Miller, Bureau of Air Commerce; Rex Martin, Assistant Director of the Bureau, and Stephen Latchford, of the Treaty Division of the State Department. 10/31/35


Protecting U.S. International aviation routings. This committee met in the State Department to recommend appropriate steps to protect and foster the development of American interests in the field of International aviation. The particular case in mind is the Pan-American route to the Orient. From the left, seated: Eugene Vidal, Director, Bureau of Air Commerce, Dpt. of Comm.; Stephen Gibbons, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; R. Branch, 2nd Postmaster General in charge of Air Mail; Richard Southgate, chief of the Protocol Division, State Department; Juan T. Trippe, President of Pan-American and Witness before the group. Back row-William Miller, Bureau of Air Commerce; Rex Martin, Assistant Director of the Bureau, and Stephen Latchford, of the Treaty Division of the State Department. 10/31/35

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